

People It’s

Time To Come Home.

Our beautiful Florida state amongst the 50 nation-states of this great union dba The United States; was built such that We The People would inherit our freedom our unalienable rights from birth receiving our nationality from our state. However, something happened along the way that caused us to be lead astray; It’s Time to address what happened and come back home to our SOVEREIGNTY.

Welcome to the De Jure Palm Beach County Assembly

The purpose of this website is to enable you, anytime, and anywhere to learn more about who we are, our mission, what steps we are taking as a community an assembly, as well as our desired goal. For the longest time We The People have looked to others for the Sovereignty owed to us; that is our birth right.

We provide you with the real history of our beautiful state and of our great union. We discuss the path to be taken to bring us back home to our Sovereignty. If you have not watched the video above about a quick introduction of our state and our county please do so; and hopefully you will see what you must do with the motivation to fuel it.

So as it moves you click the Get Stated button…and let’s come home.

Quick Overview

Correct Your Status

Despite you being born in one the states of the union if not a Florida native which is how you receive your nationality and inherit your sovereignty; you have been mischaracterized and misidentified both domestically and abroad. The first step in reclaiming back your inheritance is correcting your status; giving notice that you are not a subject, not chattel for the U.S. debt crisis, not under the authority of our public servants. To place you back into your rightful status as an American State National. This is done by recording declaratory statements with The Florida State Assembly.

By clicking View More you will be taken to our Next Steps tab which goes into this in greater detail.

Our Common Law Courts

As we come back home with our inherited sovereignty as Sovereigns…American State Nationals…Florida nationals; the next step is to refill our common law courts. We The People…our courts have not been in session for 150+ years. We Americans were never meant to enter any Article I court since our courts are Article III common law courts of the people, by the people, and for the people. Setting up our courts once again after over 150 years of not being in session; the importance and the urgency CANNOT be stressed enough. The path to reestablishing our courts is clear what is needed are the people of Palm Beach County to join us in our sovereignty and serve our community as jurors, but not the jurors you have always known.

Elect Our Officials

Once our juror pool of 26 sovereigns have been filled; the next step is to elect our justice of the peace, peacekeeping officials, and more. Once we have all our offices filled we can then for the first time in over 150 years begin to enforce the contracts that We The People setup with our employees.

The Constitution for the united States of America

The Constitution of the United States

The Constitution of the United States of America
